How To Delete Your Vimeo Account

Simplest - Send a legal email

Did you know that companies respond to lawyers more than to their users? Have a lawyer send an email on your behalf requesting deletion.

Send legal email

Deleting your Vimeo account is easy. Login to your account from a computer browser and follow the step below.

Delete Vimeo - Website - Slides & Instructions

Step #1:

Click here to open Vimeo. If you're already logged, doing so will open your Vimeo homepage

Vimeo- Delete account from website. Step 1: Open Vimeo

Step #2:

Click the *profile icon *on the top right

Vimeo- Delete account from website. Step 2: Click the profile icon

Step #3:

Click settings from the drop down menu

Vimeo- Delete account from website. Step 3: Click settings

Step #4:

Click privacy

Vimeo- Delete account from website. Step 4: Click privacy

Step #5:

Click delete your account

Vimeo- Delete account from website. Step 5: Click delete your account

Step #6:

Enter password and click delete account

Vimeo- Delete account from website. Step 6: Enter password and delete account

Congrats! Your account has been deleted.

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Questions & Answers

What happens when I delete my account?

This will permanently remove your account and all your videos, collections, likes, comments, etc. from Vimeo.

Deleting your account (or anything else, like a video or comment) will remove it from public view on Vimeo. After it’s deleted, some of your information and activity on the internal servers will remain for a period of time in case you wish to restore it or for certain legal purposes. Your account will not be viewable to the public during this time. It is recommend that you exercise caution when deleting your account because it is no a guarantee that you will be able to restore your info and activity once you have deleted it.

Please note that deleting videos, profile pictures, comments, or descriptions may not ensure complete or comprehensive removal because third parties may have reposted your material and search engines may have indexed or cached it before you deleted it. Vimeo has no control over third-party sites or search engine results.

What if I login to Vimeo with Facebook or another third party application?

If you connect your Vimeo account to Facebook, you'll automatically be able to use Facebook to log in to your Vimeo account . This remains true for Google too. If you wish to delete your account please unlink the connection prior to deletion.