How To Delete Your TikTok Account

Simplest - Send a legal email

Did you know that companies respond to lawyers more than to their users? Have a lawyer send an email on your behalf requesting deletion.

Send legal email

Deleting your TikToK account is easy. Login to your account from a mobile device and follow the steps below.

Delete TikTok - Android - Slides & Instructions

Step #1:

Open TikTok and tap the *profile icon *on the bottom right

TikTok- Delete account from Android device. Step 1: Open TikTok and tap the profile icon

Step #2:

Tap the three dots on the top right

TikTok- Delete account from Android device. Step 2: Tap the three dots on the top right

Step #3:

Tap manage my account

TikTok- Delete account from Android device. Step 3:  Tap manage my account

Step #4:

Tap thinking about removing your account

TikTok- Delete account from Android device. Step 4: Tap thinking about removing your account

Step #5:

Enter phone number *and tap *continue

TikTok- Delete account from Android device. Step 5: Tap continue

Step #6:

Tap continue

TikTok- Delete account from Android device. Step 6: Tap continue

Step #7:

Tap delete account

TikTok- Delete account from Android device. Step 7: Tap delete account

After you delete your account TikTok puts your account into deactivation for 30 days. After the 30 days of deactivation your account is deleted. If you choose to log back in during that time your account will be automatically reactivated.

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Questions & Answers

What happens when I delete my TikTok account?

You will no longer be able to login to your account. You will lose access to any videos you have posted. You will not be able to get a refund on any items that you may have purchased. Please note, any publicly visible information that was previous entered may remain. You must deleted this information prior to deleted you account

Can I delete my account if I am logged in with Facebook?

First, you have to change your login to your phone number then stop sharing data with facebook. once this is complete you can continue the deletion process above.