How To Delete Your Life360 Account

Simplest - Send a legal email

Did you know that companies respond to lawyers more than to their users? Have a lawyer send an email on your behalf requesting deletion.

Send legal email

Deleting your Life360 account is easy. You can delete your account from a computer browser or from within mobile app - iphone or android. Or if you choose, you can just email customer service directly at * *and request that your account be deleted. Please note that canceling your account or deleting the app does not cancel your premium subscription. You must cancel the subscription prior to deletion. To delete your account from within the mobile app follow the steps below.

Delete Life360 - iOS - Slides & Instructions

Step #1:

Open Life360 app

Life360- Delete account from iOS device. Step 1: Open Life360

Step #2:

Tap the three bars on the top left

Life360- Delete account from iOS device. Step 2: Tap three bars on top left

Step #3:

Tap settings

Life360- Delete account from iOS device. Step 3: Tap settings

Step #4:

Tap account

Life360- Delete account from iOS device. Step 4: Tap account

Step #5:

Tap delete account

Life360-Delete account from iOS device. Step 5: Tap delete account

Step #6:

Tap yes, continue

Life360- Delete account from iOS device. Step 6: Tap yes, continue

Delete Life360 - Website - Slides & Instructions

Step #1:

Click here to open Life360. If you're already logged in, doing so will open your Life360 homepage.

Life360- Delete account from website. Step 1: Login to Life360

Step #2:

Click the profile icon *then click *account from the drop down menu

Life360- Delete account from Website. Step 2: Click profile & account

Step #3:

Click I want to delete my Life360 account

Life360- Delete account from website. Step 3: Click I want to delete my Life360 account

Step #4:

Type your first name and then click delete account

Life360- Delete account from website. Step 4: Click delete Account

Delete Life360 - Android - Slides & Instructions

Step #1:

Open Life360 app

Life360- Delete account from Android. Step 1: Open Life360

Step #2:

Tap three bars on top left

Life360- Delete account from Android. Step 2: Tap three bars

Step #3:

Tap settings

Life360- Delete account from Android. Step 3: Settings

Step #4:

Tap account

Life360- Delete account from Android. Step 4: Tap account

Step #5:

Tap delete account

Life360- Delete account from Android. Step 5: Tap delete account

Step #6:

Tap yes, continue

Life360- Delete account from Android. Step 6: Tap yes, continue

Step #7:

Tap okay

Life360- Delete account from Android. Step 7: Tap okay

Step #8:

Tap delete account

Life360- Delete account from Android. Step 8: Tap delete account

Step #9:

Tap yes

Life360- Delete account from Android. Step 9: Tap yes

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Questions & Answers

I deleted the mobile App from my phone. Will that delete my entire account?

No. Deleting the app just removes the app from your phone. It does not delete your account. If you have already deleted the app please redownload it and then follow the steps for deletion.

What happens when I delete my Life360 account?

When you delete your account all of your history and driving events will be deleted and they cannot be retrieved. Deleting your account does not delete your premium subscription automatically. Please remember to cancel this subscription prior to deleting your account.

Do I have to delete my account to leave a circle?

No. If you would just like to leave a circle and keep your account, go to circle settings and leave the circle. You do not have to delete your entire account.

Does deleting my account cancel my Life360 premium subscription?

No. Please cancel your subscription prior to deleting your account. For more information on canceling your Life360 Premium subscription click here.