How To Delete Your Groupme Account

Simplest - Send a legal email

Did you know that companies respond to lawyers more than to their users? Have a lawyer send an email on your behalf requesting deletion.

Send legal email

Deleting your GroupMe account is easy. You can delete your account from your computer or mobile device. Please follow the steps below.

Delete Groupme - iOS - Slides & Instructions

Step #1:

Tap the Groupme app

Groupme-Delete account from iOS device. Step 1: open Groupme

Step #2:

Tap the three bars on top left

Groupme-Delete account from iOS device. Step 2:

Step #3:

Tap profile icon on top left (it will the icon above your name)

Groupme-Delete account from iOS device. Step 3: profile icon

Step #4:

Scroll down and click delete GroupMe account

Groupme-Delete account from iOS device. Step 4: delete groupme account

Step #5:

Click continue to confirm deletion

Groupme-Delete account from iOS device. Step 5: Continue

Step #6:

Tap and hold your fInger on the GroupMe app and then click *the 'X' mark *to delete the app from your iOS device

Groupme-Delete account from iOS device. Step 6: Delete app

Delete Groupme - Website - Slides & Instructions

Step #1:

Click here to open the GroupMe profile page.Scroll down and click delete GroupMe account

GroupMe- Delete account from website. Step 1: Open GroupMe profile page

Step #2:

Click *continue *

GroupMe- Delete account from website. Step 2: Click continue

Step #3:

Enter password and click continue to confirm deletion

GroupMe- Delete account from website. Step3: Confirm deletion

Delete Groupme - Android - Slides & Instructions

Step #1:

Open** GroupMe app and **login

Groupme-Delete account from Android. Step 1: Open Groupme

Step #2:

Tap three bars on top left

Groupme-Delete account from Android. Step 2: Tap three bars on top left

Step #3:

Tap username on top left

Groupme-Delete account from Android. Step 3: Tap username on top left

Step #4:

Tap the blue editing dot next to account

Groupme-Delete account from Android. Step 4: Tap the blue editing dot next to account

Step #5:

Tap Delete GroupMe account

Groupme-Delete account from Android. Step 5: Delete GroupMe account

Step #6:

Enter password and tap continue

Groupme-Delete account from Android. Step 6: Enter password and tap continue

Step #7:

Tap continue

Groupme-Delete account from Android. Step 7: Tap continue

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Questions & Answers

What happens when I delete my account?

Whatever device you delete your account from, all content associated with the account will be deleted from that device. You will not be able to log back in with this account.

Can I re-activate my account after deletion?

If you change your mind about deleting your account, you have 48 hours to get it back. Click the link in the confirmation email or SMS we sent you, or simply log in to GroupMe to cancel the account deletion. After 48 hours, if you don’t restore your account, it’s deleted and you can’t get it back.

How do I change the phone number associated with my GroupMe account?

Email GroupMe customer support at Include the phone number currently registered to your account along with your personal information and then let them know what phone number you want to change to.