How To Deactivate Your Enjin Account

Simplest - Send a legal email

Did you know that companies respond to lawyers more than to their users? Have a lawyer send an email on your behalf requesting deletion.

Send legal email

Fully deleting your Enjin account is not possible. However, you can deactivate your account by logging on to the account settings page from a computer browser. The best solution to remove your identity from Enjin is to deactivate your account. Follow the steps below.

Delete Enjin - Website - Slides & Instructions

Step #1:

Click here to open Enjin If you're already logged on, doing so will open your Enjin homepage

Enjin-Deactivate Account from Website. Step 1: [Log on to your Enjin Account](  If you're already logged on, doing so will open your Enjin Homepage.

Step #2:

Click the username on top right

Enjin-Deactivate Account from Website. Step 2: Click the Username on Top Right

Step #3:

Click website settings

Enjin-Deactivate Account from Website. Step 3: Click Website Settings

Step #4:

Click cancel website. If you have more then one website make sure you cancel all of them.

Enjin-Deactivate Account from Website. Step 4: Click Cancel Website.  If you have more then one website make sure you cancel all of them.

Step #5:

Confirm Password

Enjin-Deactivate Account from Website. Step 5: Confirm Password

Step #6:

Click username on top right

Enjin-Deactivate Account from Website. Step 6: Click Username on Top Right

Step #7:

Click account settings

Enjin-Deactivate Account from Website. Step 7: Click Account Settings

Step #8:

Click privacy and wall

Enjin-Deactivate Account from Website. Step 8: Click Privacy and Wall

Step #9:

Scroll down and click deactivate account

Enjin-Deactivate Account from Website. Step 9: Scroll Down and Click Deactivate Account

Step #10:

Enter password and click confirm

Enjin-Deactivate Account from Website. Step 10: Enter Password and Click Confirm

Please note, although the link says deactivation it is really the same as deleting your account.

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Questions & Answers

What happens when I deactivate my account?

This will disable your profile, disallowing anyone to visit your profile, or see the information within it. Please note that deactivating your account essentially deletes your account. It will automatically delete it for you after you've clicked the deactivate account button. However, if you sign back in you will reactivate your account.

What happens when I delete my Enjin website?

Your website will remain inactive for 1 year unless you activate it. While your website is inactive, all your content and users still remain.