How To Delete Your Eharmony Account

Simplest - Send a legal email

Did you know that companies respond to lawyers more than to their users? Have a lawyer send an email on your behalf requesting deletion.

Send legal email

Deleting your Eharmony account is easy. Login to your account from a computer browser and follow the steps below.

Delete eharmony - Website - Slides & Instructions

Step #2:

Click username then account settings

Eharmony- Delete account from website. Step 2: Click username and settings

Step #3:

Click billing

Eharmony- Delete account from website. Step 3: Click billing

Step #4:

Click close account

Eharmony- Delete account from website. Step 4: Click close account

Step #5:

Click yes, close my account

Eharmony- Delete account from website. Step 5: Click yes, close my account

Step #6:

Congrats! Your account has been deleted.

Eharmony- Delete account from website. Step 6: Deletion confirmation

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Questions & Answers

What happens when I delete my Eharmony account?

Your profile will be removed from eharmony and you will lose all of your saved settings. You will no longer have access to your account.